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Benefits of Garlic for Facial Health

Benefits of Garlic for Facial Health
Benefits of Garlic for Facial Health

Acne can appear due to an increase in oil (sebum) production, a buildup of dead skin cells, or a bacterial infection in the skin follicles. In addition, certain factors, such as hormonal changes, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, and the side effects of medications, can also increase the risk of developing acne.

Besides being used as a cooking spice, garlic is also believed to be useful for treating acne, you know. He said, by applying crushed garlic to the acne-prone areas of the skin, you can get rid of acne quickly. Is that true?

The appearance of acne can cause pain and interfere with appearance. So no wonder, many people try various efforts, including alternative ways, to overcome this condition. One of them is by applying crushed garlic to the pimple.

Safety of Using Garlic for Acne

Garlic contains allicin. These compounds are known to have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Research says that allicin can kill many bacteria, one of which is the bacteria that causes acne.

In addition, garlic also contains a number of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium, copper, and zinc. The various ingredients contained in garlic are known to be good for health, including skin health.

Even so, that does not mean garlic is definitely effective and safe to use to treat acne, yes. In fact, until now, there has been no research that really proves the safety and effectiveness of using garlic to treat acne.

Garlic that is used carelessly can actually worsen skin conditions, you know. Especially if you have sensitive skin. The use of garlic directly on the skin can cause the skin to become blistered, irritated, and even trigger the appearance of contact dermatitis.

Basically, garlic is a healthy food. Regular consumption of white grass will provide a number of benefits for your health, such as maintaining heart health, preventing cancer, and smoothing the digestive tract.

However, remember, even though it has many benefits for the body, it does not mean that garlic is safe to use on the skin, let alone to treat acne. As previously explained, the safety and effectiveness of using garlic to treat acne does not yet have strong scientific evidence.

So, if you want to have healthy and acne-free facial skin, try applying methods that have been proven safe, as described above.

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