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Benefits of Toothpaste for Acne on The Face

Benefits of Toothpaste for Acne on The Face
Benefits of Toothpaste for Acne on The Face

As an acne fighter, maybe you have done various ways to get rid of acne. Starting from using topical medications, undergoing routine skin care, or maybe you’ve also tried alternative methods, such as applying toothpaste?

There are various alternative ways that are believed to be able to get rid of acne. One of the most discussed topics is the use of toothpaste. However, medically, is the use of toothpaste really effective and safe to treat stubborn acne?

Applying toothpaste to acne has become a trend in society, you know. This is because the content in toothpaste is believed to make acne dry quickly.

Safety of Using Toothpaste for Acne

The trend of applying toothpaste to acne is actually being done a lot because the active ingredients contained in toothpaste are believed to be able to deflate acne and kill acne-causing bacteria.

One of these ingredients is triclosan. Triclosan has an antiseptic effect that can kill bacteria or germs. However, if used on acne, it turns out that this content is not effective in killing acne-causing bacteria, you know.

In addition to triclosan, toothpaste also contains baking soda, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. This combination of ingredients is believed to be able to dry out acne. In fact, when applied to facial skin, especially those with acne, these ingredients can actually cause the skin to become dry and trigger irritation.

Another ingredient in toothpaste that can trigger new skin problems is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). In some people with sensitive skin, the use of toothpaste on the skin can even cause burns to trigger contact dermatitis, you know.

So, is the use of toothpaste safe and effective to treat acne? Based on the information above, the answer is no. Therefore, you should avoid, yes, applying toothpaste on the skin of the face.

Well, now you know, yes, if the use of toothpaste to treat acne is not effective, it even risks causing new problems on the skin. So, if you are still using it, immediately stop the habit and switch to safer ways.

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