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Know the Secrets of Cocoa Fruit for Health

Know the Secrets of Cocoa Fruit for Health
Know the Secrets of Cocoa Fruit for Health

Cocoa is a plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. The seeds are often used as the main ingredient for making chocolate. Dark chocolate comes from the cacao bean which is basically bitter in taste.

The benefits of cocoa are not only to improve mood, but also prevent various types of diseases. However, don’t be misled. These health benefits can only be obtained by consuming pure or processed cocoa into dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is made by roasting cocoa beans, then grinding them until they are fine and into cocoa powder.

In cocoa powder, there are various nutrients that are good for health, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, polyphenols, flavonoids, calcium, iron, caffeine, magnesium, and potassium.

Benefits of Cocoa for Health
Not all types of cocoa can provide health benefits. Only pure cocoa or dark chocolate is good for consumption, not cocoa that has been added to flavorings or other ingredients. The more bitter and dark the chocolate, the more benefits it has for the body.

1. Lowering blood pressure
Pure cocoa or dark chocolate is believed to be good for consumption by people with hypertension. These benefits are thought to come from nitrogen oxide compounds that can dilate blood vessels.

This benefit is also supported by research which reveals that consumption of dark chocolate for 2-8 weeks in a row can lower blood pressure.

2. Increase stamina
Pure cocoa is a good source of calories, so it can provide additional stamina and make you more energetic in carrying out activities. Cocoa also contains caffeine which is known as a natural stimulant that can keep you focused and awake.

3. Improve mood
Theobromine and caffeine compounds in cocoa can affect your mood to be more positive and increase your sense of alertness.

Not only that, the active substance phenethylamine in cocoa can also increase the production of endorphins, which are chemical compounds in the brain that play a role in fighting stress and overcoming feelings of depression.

4. Control asthma symptoms
Pure cocoa powder is believed to reduce the recurrence of symptoms in asthmatics. This benefit comes from theobromine and theophylline compounds which can widen the airways, thereby reducing asthma symptoms.

The various medical studies above do show that pure cocoa has many health benefits. However, further studies and evidence are needed to confirm these claims.

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