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Secret Benefits of Cinnamon For Body Health

Secret Benefits of Cinnamon For Body Health
Secret Benefits of Cinnamon For Body Health

Consuming cinnamon can bring many health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, overcoming indigestion, and including weight loss. These various benefits are obtained from the antioxidants and cinamaldehyde contained in cinnamon.

In addition to having a distinctive aroma and taste, cinnamon also has a number of health benefits. One of them is to lose weight. Well, if you really want to have a more ideal body shape by consuming cinnamon, first read this article to the end, OK?

1. Increase metabolism
According to research, the substance cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon can increase the body’s metabolism. With a better metabolism, the body can burn fat faster.

2. Increase insulin sensitivity
A number of studies say, cinnamon can improve the performance of the hormone insulin. The hormone insulin is one of the important hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism and energy use.

If the insulin hormone works optimally, the body’s metabolism will also increase. Well, this is what can then speed up your weight loss process.

3. Streamlining the digestive process
Not only is it able to limit appetite, the fiber content in cinnamon can also facilitate the digestive process, you know. Thus, you can defecate (BAB) more smoothly and regularly, so you avoid the risk of constipation which can cause a distended stomach.

Therefore, you simply add a little cinnamon to add flavor to your food or drink. Some foods and drinks that you can add a sprinkling of cinnamon are oatmeal, cereals, whole wheat bread, sliced ​​fruit, tea, coffee, yogurt, and ice cream.

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